Book Incubator:
Distill the medicine of your soul
into potent books
that awaken humanity

It’s time to have the Book of your Soul written more effortlessly

❣️ You’ve received guidance from the Divine/ Spirit to write a book, but you’re faced with challenges in the writing process and have been sitting on it for too long.

❣️ You know you’re meant to write it, it is coming THROUGH you for the awakening and uplifting of collective consciousness.

❣️You’ve been teaching & facilitating in your field of expertise for a long time and reached a level of mastery that you now want to articulate into a book, which can reach a much wider audience and make a bigger impact.

❣️ You’ve had garnered lots of wisdom through your life journeys, and you want to share these incredible stories with others before they’re lost forever.

❣️ You want to write in a way that feels natural, joyful, easy and aligned with your soul.

❣️You know that you can probably write a book alone if you want, but are done with doing it solo and doing it the hard way. You value the support to take it all the way to completion.

Welcome, author-to-be!

You have come to the right place.

I’m Elora Nature, your Book Doula & Creative Alchemist.


✨ Holding in your hands a physical copy of the book you’ve always known you’re meant to write

✨ Receiving love and appreciation letters from readers, people who you don’t even know exist, telling you how much your book has changed their lives!

✨ Knowing that you’ve finally fulfilled a part of your contribution to Life, your book has awakened humanity and played a part in upshifting the collective consciousness.

✨ Having people reach out wanting to work with you because they read and really resonated with your book


Working with me will benefit you if…

– You’ve been sitting on a book for so long and haven’t made any progress, or you start and stop, start and stop (hey, I’ve been there!)

– You’re struggling to find time to write and lacking motivation

– You’ve started writing but it’s not flowing; it even feels difficult and heavy. Or maybe it feels like something’s missing.

– You’re overwhelmed by the whole writing process and easily distracted by newer ideas

– You’ve written a bunch and chucked ‘em in a pile (on your phone, computer, or even just in your head) but don’t know what to do with them or how to bring them all together

– You want the support, consistency and accountability to take it all the way to completion


What if I told you that you could:

❤️ Infuse that oomph factor, that “spark” of magic into your book.

❤️ Put the pieces together in a way that flows with a clear framework and structure

❤️ Know what topics to focus on and find the main theme that will bring everything together.

❤️ Magically find time to write your book, and also have it be fun, joyful, easy, while effective and strategic.

❤️ Write a book that feels aligned with your soul and is the fullest expression of your soul’s gifts to the world.

❤️ Make the book synergistic and complementary to your life and business so that it energizes you instead of draining you

That’s exactly what we’ll be doing together in my 1:1 Book Incubator program!

Book Incubator to Write the Book of Your Soul

is a 6 -month, 1-on-1, personalized, high level support program with me as your Book Doula & Alchemist, where you will:


Connect with the Soul of your book & allow its Intelligence to shape your writing


What sets apart mediocre books and books that get readers raving non-stop is that the former is a product of the author’s mind, while the latter is a product of Universal Mind getting channeled through the author.

A book is a creative entity with an intelligence of its own.

Attune to the natural intelligence of the book to shape and mold its creative development. This is a blend between Structure and Flow, Masculine and Feminine creative principles, Soul and Strategy.



Discover the Golden Thread that pulls everything together


This is where we’ll discover the main theme, topics, structure, what to include in the chapters.

The Golden Thread is the one thing that gets your book created and written at rapid speed, versus the vagueness, confusion and lack of clarity that drags out the process for years and keep books on the back burner.


Unearth the hidden Gems and Jewels that make your book uniquely you


Many authors get stalled because they think there are so many better books out there on the same topic they want to write.

The truth is, it doesn’t matter.

Once you’ve unearthed your book’s hidden gems and jewels, you’ll be inspired to whisper, sing or shout your voice through it and bring it into being. This is what draws readers to YOUR book.


Release all hard work, struggle and effort from the writing process


Many books stay on the back burner for so long because the authors find the writing process too difficult, even painful. (Writer’s block, anyone?)

In our work together, you’ll discover that there’s another way to get your book written. It’s infinitely more easy, fun, joyful, even magical!

The best thing is that it’s also fast, effective, and highly rewarding. It makes the book much more engaging and impactful to readers.


Use Storytelling to make the book captivating and engaging to the readers


We’ll work on story line, structure, flow, coherence, clarity and power to make it a joy to read.

By making it captivating, you are increasing the likelihood of people finishing your book, thus reaping the most benefits from it.

Even with poetry, essays, collections of tips and reflections, you can ingenuously weave a story line through it. (Think “The Prophet” by Kahlil Gibran or The Bible.)

Stories sell and attract readers. Stories give your book the highest chance to be enjoyed and read by people who need it.


Discover a way to write the book that’s highly synergistic with your life and business


The book doesn’t have to be just a separate thing you’re doing on the sideline. It can be integrated with and having a positive ripple effect on your life and business too.

Written synergistically with your business, the book can generate interest and invite excited clients to step in to your workshops or trainings. You may also have many avid fans waiting to pre-order and give you reviews even before it is published.

A client of mine (see first testimonial) created 3 new offerings (an online retreat, a toolkit, a new service) out of the creative energy generated from writing her book. And they’re all inter-related!

Jo Dyer
Flower Essence Therapist & Poet, UK
Within 10 months of starting to work with Elora, my book was finished and in the process of being prepared for publication. How wonderful is that?
Initially, I thought my book would take me at least another 2 or 3 years. I also felt that it was something separate from my work, therefore, finding time to work on the book felt heavy and daunting.
With Elora’s help, I discovered a way to integrate writing the book with my business that feels so natural, aligned, and really exciting. I felt so much more in love with my book and the process of creating it.
During the time I worked with Elora, I felt really connected to my creativity and my life changed. [This created] such a huge wave of positive energy that would produce new ideas, create more possibilities; not just for writing this book, but for more books and other projects related to my business. My book, my business and my life became one and the same. I delivered my first online retreat and created a new physical product that I’ve actually started to sell!
It was as if I stepped into a totally new landscape of my life – a landscape that was so spacious and expansive and very exciting.
Elora has incredible intuitive ability which enables her to ask you the most pertinent and very useful questions that invite you to play with and explore your ideas, your blocks and resistance. She is also warm-hearted, open and has an infectious effervescent energy. Elora uses some great visualisations to help you connect with your creativity and your project. I found that every session brought valuable insights and was really motivational.
Rachel Singleton
Transformational Coach & 3Ps Teacher, UK

Having Elora’s support as I write my current book The Conscious Practitioner is proving to be the most beautiful experience.

One thing that I continue to feel amazed and gladdened by every time is the way she clarifies, and brings more deeply into form, that which I am trying to say. It feels like she does something mystical and alchemical that causes my burgeoning insights and revelations to truly ‘land’. As I talk to her, I am aware that my ideas are still coming into being, still manifesting, still finding their way into words – and then she plucks them and brings them in more fully. It is extraordinary. Elora constantly and unwaveringly does this! She has an extraordinary gift of listening for and alchemically ‘translating’ the formless into form.  I love that I can trust this to happen whenever I speak to her about another area of the book that I am exploring.


Helen Turier
Reflexologist, UK

In our first session, Elora pulled out the clarity and consistency in the message of my book. The creative ways she used have opened my mind to gems of brilliance inside the book that I wasn’t aware were there before. She also strengthened my commitment to getting it done!

In our ongoing time together, she helps me overcome blocks, barriers, limiting beliefs, allowing me to tap into creativity and also holding me accountable for the goals I have set for myself. She’s helped me create a clear structure for the book to flow coherently as well as several ways to make it more compelling for readers.

With Elora’s creativity and intuition, I have become more creative and playful in the writing. Now I’ve got a deeper, richer book that’s more inspirational and helpful to my audience.

Ilia Kontou
Homeopathic Doctor, Greece

I had been struggling for years to find the title of my book. I was writing for three years, but something crucial was missing and that was the title! Elora with her wisdom guided me to connect on a deeper level with my creativity and the title just revealed itself. Then through this deeper connection, the chapters were revealed to me, the format, the drawings, the cover, all the ingredients of the book just fell in the right place.

The experience with Elora was very spiritual and led me to a real epiphany. She is a real doula helping people deliver their spiritual product in this world. Thank you Elora, the world needs your gifts!

What you can count on me for…

❤️ A creative process that brings both the Soul and the Strategy together

This is what I’ve fine-tuned from the experience of self-publishing my own book “Songs of the Rose: Mystical, Medicinal Poetry of the Feminine Heart” and working with several clients.

Your book can be aligned with your soul and well-received by readers at the same time!


❤️ Storytelling

I have been telling stories on stage since I was 4 and have won several public speaking contests. It’s in my blood, the natural ability to grab people’s attention with opening lines, details and stories.

You can craft your book with me in a way that rivets and captivates readers!


❤️ A rare combination of being sensitive and empathic (Cancer) and highly communicative, articulate, expressive with words (Gemini)

This means I get you and the essence of what you really want to share, and I can help translate that essence into clear, captivating words that speak to the hearts of your people.


❤️ Intuitive ability to tune in to the Soul of your Book and your Creative Genius

to relay divinely-guided information along the way that sets your book apart, expand its impact, while making the process magical and fun for you.


❤️ A keen eye for good writing

For many years, I taught university-level advanced English reading comprehension and essay writing to students taking admission exams to US Ivy League schools.

Obviously, you’re not here to write college essays or thesis, but the principles of good writing for coherence, clarity and impact remain. I’ll give you feedback on how to write clear and compelling materials that make readers want more! (Note: You will still need an editor in the final stage.)


❤️ An eye for the content sweet spot

While being a content manager for an online magazine on conscious relationships and sexuality that had 1-3 million monthly visitors, I had developed an eye for provocative, high value topics with unique angles that people are hungry for.

With my guidance, your book can be an exquisite symphony between the music of your soul and the kind of music people are craving to hear.


❤️ Passion and knowledge in your topic

Having been a life and relationship coach, worked on creating a sustainable New Earth community, and been on a deeply spiritual path, I’m most likely very familiar with the areas you’re writing about and can give you insights from a reader’s point of view.

Program Structure:

The program is customized to your book’s specific needs.

Program length: 6 months.

2 intensives, one at the start and one in the middle. Each intensive lasts about 2 hours.

Intensive #1: Book Mapping. This is an initial creative activation to receive (or recalibrate) the energetic blueprint and structure for your book. Whether you haven’t written anything or you’re already halfway through writing your manuscript, this intensive is for clarity on the Golden Thread, themes, framework, and a unique way of writing that feels most aligned and effortless for you.

Intensive #2: Content Review. This is an attunement and refinement halfway through the writing process. We’ll co-create new, exciting, inspiring ways to present an existing idea. We’ll work on the structure and cohesion of the book, holes and gaps that need to be filled, sections that need to be rewritten or moved for clarity and greater coherence. 

– Bi-monthly Feedback and review on your writing as the book takes shape. The level of depth and insight you’ll receive here is priceless.

As your content development guide, I’ll help you find the core of your book and make sure it’s woven throughout the book. I’ll look at the structure of your book and ensure there aren’t any holes. I’ll provide suggestions to re-write, move, delete or add sections as needed. Most importantly, I’ll give you feedback on whether your writing sounds authentic to you and carries your true energetic signature.

9 x 45-minute sessions where we’ll go through my feedback on your writing, help you flesh out new ideas, finetune on the direction, receive inspiration, overcome your writer’s blocks and resistance, attune to a way that feels most effortless and joyful for you as the book evolves.

Pre-recorded video lessons from my signature program Writing for Love. These lessons are one of the reasons why my clients have written their books so quickly and effortlessly. I highly recommend watching them alongside our sessions. In the modules, I share how to:

  • Create Space for the Muse
  • Get Naked with the Muse
  • Cultivate your Inner Creative Eco System
  • Master & Play with the Structure of Creativity

and more…

(When I last ran the program, it was sold at £1111.)

Guided visualizations & creative activations to help you channel content from your book straight from the quantum field (my clients love love love these!)

Unlimited email access & Messenger chat

Rolodex of resources and tools for writing and publishing

Energetic and emotional support, guidance, encouragement, accountability holding

All in a highly activated container of creative energy and magic!


✨ Recordings of my writing immersion “6 Dates with Your Muse: Writing the Book of Your Soul with Magic” (valued £595) to start prior to our 1st intensive.

These 6 x 1-hour video teaching are essential and required to set a solid energetic foundation and understanding of the creative principles, so that you can get the most out of our time together.

✨Complimentary access to any paid masterclasses I run during our time together

✨Access to my self-publishing consultancy business partner for services in professional editing, book design and publishing management



£450/month for 6 monthly payments,
or £2,500 pay in full.

Very limited spots – I only work with a few clients at a time.



Masterclass on The Technical Process of Self-Publishing on Amazon. A 90-minute masterclass with Phil Goddard and I to walk you through the entire process of getting your manuscript ready to put onto Amazon and self-publish. It doesn’t get any clearer than this!

Phil Goddard is a published author of 5 books on Amazon, host of 2 podcasts, executive relationship coach, leadership mentor, and one of the most incredible human beings I’ve ever met!

✨Video interview with Phil Goddard and myself, on “The Joy of Effortless Publishing.” This is an extremely rich interview, chockful with golden nuggets:

– How to let your book write itself (tips from seasoned writers)

– Practical information for both people who love to write and people who feel inconfident about their ability to write

– Relief from any technical concerns on the publishing process

Caroline Tremayne
Voice Artist, Australia

My Creative Inception with Elora was a powerful process that gave me a broader overview and aerial shot of what I’ve created to date, the potentiality of my vision, and practical functionality in the marketplace.

It has allowed my creativity to flourish, giving me the confidence and clarity with a simple step-by-step process to bring my vision to life, emerging on the online world platform.

It’s great to have an idea and a want to make a difference in the world, but it takes a team of like-minded people to assist in this creative process.

It took Elora to assist me and identify the next steps for me to take to arrive at completion.

Thank you Elora for enabling me to bring my vision to life.

Lisa Berkovitz
Soul Mastery Coach, Toronto, Canada
Before my sessions with Elora, I had started writing my book, but was inconsistent with it. I was second-guessing my process, and some elements of how I wanted the book to be. That was causing me to feel frustrated, and like there was no easy way to get the book done.
After working with Elora, my path for the book became clear, and I realized that I had my own unique way of bringing it into form, which is also the same way I’ve successfully created other things in the past. I now feel clear, focused and confident about writing the book.
I would say to anyone thinking of working with Elora to take the leap if it feels right to you. She has a heart of gold, a clear passion for helping birth people’s books, and a unique gift for helping you become clear on the book that comes from your Soul, written in the way that’s true and right for you.
Charlene Blaine Schulenburg
TV Producer, Filmmaker, Actress, Philanthropist, Hawaii

Before I met Elora, I had an idea. That was it. I had a bunch of things written in a pile, not knowing what to do with any of it.

Let me count the ways that Elora has helped me…oh, that’s right, I can’t count them because there are too many of them! To sum it up, Elora gets invested in you… in your writing. There’s no other way to say it. She sees things organically and can help you because she cares so much about each and everyone one of her clients.

Elora has also become a friend. A friend that knows all my secrets. She has a magical way of getting inside my head, not because I’ve told my secrets to her but because she’s listened so carefully and lovingly that she’s figured them out. She figured me out, and she’s helping me figure out my writing, my story, my manuscript… and everything is SAFE with her. Forever grateful for being led to Elora Nature.

If ANYONE is thinking of writing, Elora is the one for you. She’s the writing angel with tools and a heart that speaks from her loving soul.

If your heart calls you…

to receive my support in writing the book of your soul and doing it joyfully, connect with me on a free 30-minute Creative Diagnosis call to find out if the Book Incubator is for you.

I only work with a few clients at a time, so if this is calling to your heart, go ahead and book a call asap.

In this call, we’ll zero in on identifying your creative kryptonite, what’s blocking your writing process, and what would make the greatest difference for you in bringing this book forward. We’ll also explore whether the Book Incubator 1:1 program is going to be a fit for you.

There is NO OBLIGATION to work together further, so if you feel the pull but you’re not sure, just book the call! In our conversation, it will be obvious to you whether this is for you or not.

Even if you choose not to join, you’ll still get so much clarity on your next steps.

Simply click the button below to fill out a short questionnaire. I’ll then get in touch with you to arrange a time for your Creative Diagnosis call with me.