Free Resources to help you Write more Easily

Creativity Hacks to Write Your Book


A FREE series of 4 short videos (15-25 mins each) to help you write the book you know you’re meant to write with ease, joy and magic

  • Get a powerful transmission of inspiration to take your book off the back burner
  • Learn a time hack to get your book written, especially when you’re busy, feeling stuck or uninspired
  • Receive clarity on the easiest way to write your book especially if you’ve been teaching it for a long time
  • How to enjoy the writing process more so that you can keep it consistent, especially if you’re super busy
  • The roles of structure and your state of mind in the creation of the book

Creativity Hacks to Write with Ease, Joy & Magic


In this 1-hour talk, Elora will share some creativity “hacks” on:

how to write in a way that feels joyful, easy, and aligned with your soul
how to take hard work out of writing,
how to avoid the trap that might keep your writing on the back burner forever.

How to Find Time to Write when You’re Super Busy


  • Know you want to write that book but can’t find the hour in the day for it?

  • Can’t seem to prioritize writing even if you’ve tried?

  • Struggle to maintain a writing practice when the demands of life take over?

This 1-hour masterclass will get your questions answered.

BONUS Teaching: The 3 key must-have elements to get a book written

How NOT to Commit an Artistic Crime Against your Readers

In writing as well as in movies, we learn as much from terrible examples as we do from exemplary ones.

⬆️ CLICK ON THE LINK ABOVE ⬆️ for my detailed guidance if you’re writing fiction, a memoir, or a book weaving personal stories with pearls of wisdom. Mastering the art of storytelling is key to helping readers follow your book all the way to the end and reap all the intended benefits.

Do you need help with content development, plot structure, character development, writing style, storytelling, while making sure the core message is delivered? This is my jam. Reach out to me for inquiry and let’s see how we can create some magic together.